Friday, March 14, 2025

Top 5 This Week


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“Well, in that case, you better click your glass in favour of whatever I’ve got to say in the next 5 minutes, dear best friend, or I’ll personally make sure you’ll have bad sex for the rest of your life, “ I whispered.  And he said, “Don’t jinx it, you idiot! I’m really happy in my relationship”. In instances like the one above, I realBefore I tell you what good sex is, I’ll have to tell you about the reality of human sexual activities.ised that people look forward to having good sex, but they still do not want to talk about how good, good sex is.

Before I tell you what good sex is, I’ll have to tell you about the reality of human sexual activities.

Now that we know and accept that talking about sensuality is not taboo, we want to tell people out there to let us be who we are and embrace and discover our extremes in all aspects of sex as an activity. No strings attached; it is a great one-night stand, but that’s for another time. The mysteries of our passion will be unveiled when the abundance of our mind and body are filled with the thrill induced at the receiving end of the physically possible pleasure. I feel sorry for the unavailability of time because we millennials have no time to indulge in activities that make us feel good sexually. The truth is that I often see that at the end of a long day, we are too burnt out to think about engaging in more contact with people, whether that’s going through the effort of setting up dates or having sex with a partner. That’s when we lose connection.

Let’s talk about sex with love and sex without love. We don’t want to discuss our deeds and misdeeds yet, but we are talking about it here. Let’s just hit the base now: One can have great sex only when the right buttons are pressed at the right time. How do we know the right buttons to push? That’s the question answered on the tenth date. I’m sure it’s a relationship on the tenth date. When a connection is made on a personal level, we don’t need to explain anything. Instead, we give each other the benefit of the doubt.

“In all of the darkest avenues of night, All I want is you. I only and utterly want you.”

I know that getting a person to say that is hard; it takes hours of convincing, charm, and valediction. I’m not the only one having problems wooing women. Here’s a little something you and I ought to know to have the power to satisfy our partner. Defend your partner’s integrity; don’t pull them down in a battle of words. Cut them some slack. They’ve got nothing on a silver platter. Couples tend to soften up with each other, but we don’t know each other until we grant the allowance to our darkest core. It’s in the hands of our partner to let us stay and lead us to the next step.

Let alone paying for the lunch, they can buy it themselves. We have yet to learn who real partners are, do we? All they need is the feeling of being wanted and desired. Well, there are days when they want us to understand them. There’s no need to penalise mood swings cause they’ve had enough of it. This applies to all of our partners. When we want something, we do something more appealing to get it. All with the right intent, the latter is on your behaviour and love.

When we talk about superhero movies, why do we only remember the last fight and the way the hero fought tooth and nail to keep the love for people intact? We also don’t see the superhero as the strongest person throughout the movie now, do we? He has his moments of weakness, and we should not take advantage of those moments. Have you ever wondered why I’m telling you this? Now think of the lines I told you in Between Partners: the heights in the movie are the couple’s happy moments, and the lows are the sad times. The fights can either bring out the worst or the best, but they make us human, and the climax for sure refers to the best sex between the partners. I’m sure they are in a good space if they try to have a better one next time. It’s a two-way street, and both should enjoy the process. The one in control is the hero for a while, and then you take charge, respecting all of your partners as humans.

In a world where sex toys are available, porn is at the figure tips. Erotica tells you that sex is so elite in most cases. There are different genres in porn, don’t be surprised cause this discovery has me thinking about how it has become so easy to be aroused. We have such early experiences, but the first time is always sacred; for some reason, we all believe in it. Most of us have an awful first time and are still at the learning end. This kind of knowledge becomes necessary. In a world where people have no desire to have anyone help them with their sexual needs, to people who have their ways of gaining every sexual experience, we also think that we deserve good sex. It’s not a bad thing, but you know the rules.

One shouldn’t grow old if the sexual heights of oneself are not achieved in one’s lifetime. I might have exaggerated, but the sensual desires and love for our bodies are valued to heighten our minds in all the sensual ways possible. Well, it’s true; Kamasutra says the same. when both entities want the same from each other. The reality is that we are having less sex than most of our ancestors and previous generations. They worshipped the body of their partner in ways we can never comprehend; the sex was an art form and not just a baby-making process. We have insecurities, like not being sure how beautiful our body is. How good will I be in bed? I have so many stretch marks. Don’t even get started with how long we will last in bed. But none of this mattered then; all that previous generation did was spend time with the person they loved, and they developed the chemistry, affectionate bond and undeniable force of attraction. The foreplay went on for what felt like forever, and the climax was the eleventh cloud of euphoria. We are tired and harsh to our partners; we don’t love ourselves. There is no lovemaking at all. Later, It’s just sex and no attachments. I don’t say that this is wrong, but care while you are with your partner during and after sex; if you don’t do so, the sex is just nameless.

Make sure your collarbones write the best poetry together.

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